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I need help getting vacuum on port A of the Throttle Body, a wa?

262 posts · Joined 2006 I recently bought a 89 Toyota 4x4 with a 22re. It has a low idle and shakes bad after warming up. After a week of rough idling, the check engine light went off. It said if you have ROUGH IDLE, SHIFT LAG, AND DECREASED MILEAGE, then clean or replace that filter. , weak fuel pump, clogged filter, bad plugs, failing coil, etc. nuvance health medical practice I did check what seems like everything according to the FSM related to rough idle (good experience) but with no results. Hi, I have a 92 toyota pickup that run low and rough at warm idle then dies unless I'm on the accelerator [22RE] The engine will idle perfect, but when I try to. zillow ellensburg wa The really wierd issue is that it will only do it when i have my foot on the brake pedal. Hello all- I'm new to this forum and have just bought a 1985 4Runner with a 22RE motor in it. It’s hot here in Spokane and so when I start the truck in the morning it does not take long to warm the engine. I need help getting vacuum on port A of the Throttle Body, a way to check the Idle control Valve, a way to rule out the EGR Valve Dec 30, 2011 · 1985 22RE that has a really rough, low idle after a strong start, especially when the engine is already warm. Oct 16, 2008 · The idle is still rough and I don't know another way to rule out the EGR valve rather then replacing it. sophia cancelmo obituary While this opening loo. ….

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